Virtual Office | Postal | Registered Mail Address | Proof of address in the Seychelles
For the WHOIS of your domain(s) and also for the imprint of your websites or your pseudonym for your book/eBook.
Simply order and get access to a secure virtual office / postal / mail address in Seychelles with mail and scan service instantly, pay with:
A virtual office / postal / mail address from us and in the Seychelles is fair and reliable. And we have been proving this for more than 10 years. Approx. 300.000 domain names in Europe and websites, or worldwide approx. 5 million domains, have a WHOIS protection address in the Seychelles. Basically, almost every. tld (Top Level Domain) is capable of doing so.
No automatic subscriptions. No endless long-winded and unintelligible contracts. And no long-term commitment is needed. Also, no forms to fill and no proof of address. Easy and fast. 100% Privacy!
For a domain or a project
Incl. eMail address
and 25 postal scans
Virtual office
Unlimited number of
domains and projects
Incl. desired eMail address
and 100 postal scans
Virtual office
A preferred address how to
would like to be freely designable.
incl. 100 postal scans
Proof of address & rental contract
More Info here!
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