What about physical products?
Am I protected against written warnings, even when I distribute goods?
The most important thing is do define resposibilities within your web site. E.g. the law defines exactly the personal allocation of responsibilities, whereby it shows all the possibilities. This means one has to split the responsibilities by making clear, (a) who is in charge with regards of the content, may be the agency on the Seychelles, and (b) sales and distribution as contractual seller by oneself. This means, written warnings, as far as they concern the content of the website must be sent to the Seychelles. It might be, a lawyer could send a message, that certain changes on the website would be recommended. But no written warning with a fee. So you know what to do without having the fee. Now the seller has time enough to clear the circumstances with the responsible agency. Enough time to make certain changes to avoid liability for disturbance.