Virtual Mail Address

Protect Projects


Protect your project

You are running projects, but you don´t want to appear in the imprint in person, because of private reasons or because of competitors or whatever – protect your project with a virtual address in the Seychelles.

No empty fake address

Stay reachable with a mail forwarding, because your mail arrives of course with us. The virtual address of the Seychelles is also not an empty fake address, just to show something. The address is a correct, summonable and capable of delivery address.

Anonymizing your project

By the anonymity of your imprint and project you stay in the background and you can operate soberly. Building up your business, without anybody watching you or disturbing you or looking at what you are doing.

Project protection with a virtual addresses of Seychelles

POST Service & Consulting Limited
attn: your domain, website or eBook
Independence Ave. xxxxx
00000 Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles

 199.00 for 12 months

Add to cart Pay with PayPal

POST Service & Consulting Limited
attn:  your unique and anonymous ID
Independence Ave. xxxxx
00000 Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles

 299.00 for 12 months

Add to cart Pay with PayPal

Your freely designable free line

Bel Ombre Rd. xxxx
00000 Beau Vallon, Mahé, Seychelles

 399.00 for 12 months

Add to cart Pay with PayPal
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